Wednesday, 14 December 2011


"Of all things that are man-made, bridges are, with dams, the most “structural,” single-minded, and imposing. As connectors at a breaking point, they have a heroic force that is aided by a challenging structuralism. As a strand of continuity in a non-continuum, the bridge is full of implied meanings. It is the opposite of devisiveness, separation, isolation, irretrievability, loss, segregation, abandonment. To bridge is as cogent in the psychic realm as it is in the physical world. The bridge is a symbol of confidence and trust. It is a communications medium as much as a connector.”
-Paolo Soleri, 1970, from “The Sketchbooks of Paolo Soleri”, published by MIT Press, 1971

Saturday, 3 December 2011

My LovELy FlaT MaTeS

Imagine being surrounded by creative people on a daily basis !! Well that is how lucky I am, from uni to home. It's all art, design and inspiration.  

Check out their blogs ...

Hannah Cozens, future Mrs. Wheeler !! Only a few day now !

Ellie Livermore, the spirited force !