Tuesday, 31 January 2012

BoDy ArT ILLuSioNs

 Artist Craig Tracy blows me away with these pieces of work !!!!

I love how hard it is to spot the body shape, position of part used in each piece. Makes the eye work a little bit more. 


So there you go , spot the bodies in these next images !! 

"South China Tiger"



"Hammerhead Shark"







Saturday, 21 January 2012

PurPle SisTer !

So my lovely sister has a blog !!! 
And she started it before me ! heheh ! proud of her :) 

She's into fashion and photography. Check her out!


Gros bisous ma cherie !

Thursday, 19 January 2012


Here are the few things I have crocheted. Some are gifts, some are for my self, some are just experiments ! 


 This is the work of artist Leandro Erlich. It's all about optical illusions, visual traps, and mirror games.

Talk about InSidE oUt and UpSidE dOwN !!! 

Confusion lies with where the ceiling,the wall, the floor is and also is the street inside or outside !!!  

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

In THe InFo MakInG !!!

Apparently these are really good tools to show information in a graphic way. 


Check out what I did on Wordle using responses I got from a survey I created :

ReD foR MaNcHesTeR

This is really cool site for Manchester's Community. 
The web design is really interesting and interactive !

Thursday, 5 January 2012

ViBrAnT ViBe

U gotta love all about this page ! The layout, colours, the model and he's look, and the names cited !! 

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Monday, 2 January 2012


Oh ! I wish I could draw like that. This is product designer material but then again . 

Check out these Technical illustrator's work. 

Check out their link : 
